Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Comebacks on Wall Street

Tonight's ESPN2 Wednesday Night Fights card is happening in lower Manhattan, a few blocks from Ground Zero, and it features a couple of rebuilding efforts.

Michael Grant is coming back from a two-year layoff, and Tim Smith asked why in a recent piece in the
New York Daily News. Headliner Yusaf Mack (pictured) is trying to find new momentum after taking his first loss more than a year ago, on an ESPN2 card, in somewhat humiliating fashion. My very own story today in the Philadelphia Inquirer looks at Mack's regrouping.

Spinks is feeling gypped: From England comes the oddball-but-true report of a British baby girl named after 25 heavyweight champions:
Autumn Sullivan Corbett Fitzsimmons Jeffries Hart Burns Johnson Willard Dempsey Tunney Schmeling Sharkey Carnera Baer Braddock Louis Charles Walcott Marciano Patterson Johansson Liston Clay Frazier Foreman Brown. As Don King might say: only in America.

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