The latest season of House ended this spring with Foreman quitting the hospital. Nobody knows if he'll be back. But another Foreman has become a regular character on TV this Summer. George Foreman is a new judge on American Inventor, along with Pat Croce, that not-Simon-Cowell British guy, and a lady. Tonight, Big George was the deciding vote after a guy demonstrated a custom-made drag racing track for die-cast race cars. It looked like something Hot Wheels came out with in 1972, only bigger and cooler. The guy said he and his brothers had spent $300,000 on its development.
The British guy voted against it. Without George's vote, the inventor wouldn't advance to the Chicago finals. "Don't feel bad about about that investment," George told him. "I once invested $300,000 in a tired old boxer, and that investment paid back more than quadruple." The boxer, of course, was George Foreman. He voted yes.
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